Exact Roofing quotes Tiles, Pressed Metal Tiles, Metal Roofing, Standing Seam, Shingles, Torch On, and several other roof types. Exact Roofing also quotes wall siding, wall panels and bricks.
Estimate Roofing or Siding by taking a snapshot from a PDF, import the snapshot into Exact Roofing, scale the snapshot and then trace over the snapshot. This is the standard approach for new buildings
Estimate from a Photograph taken from Google Maps™ or Google Earth™. Import the photograph, scale the photograph, then trace over the photograph
Estimate from a simple site measure. Enter the lengths and angles using the mouse and the keyboard. A traditional method though still one of the fastest and most accurate ways to estimate.
Use a Drone to fly over the building. The Drone takes multiple photographs which are then converted into coordinates, which are then downloaded into Exact Roofing to derive an Estimate
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